Professional Football League warns Asan, South Chungcheong Province “An important time for political neutrality”

Wearing a ‘red uniform’ is not a cause for disciplinary action, so ‘no punishment’
Scene from the match between Chungnam Asan and Bucheon FC on the 9th

The Korea Professional Football League issued a warning to South Chungcheong Asan of the K-League 2, which has recently been subject to controversy regarding its ‘political neutrality obligation’, and requested that it prevent a recurrence.

On the 15th, the Professional Federation sent an official letter to the South Chungcheong Asan club regarding the election campaign activities near the stadium that occurred during the home game on the 9th, saying, “The fact that there was a campaign near the entrance gate on the day of the game is judged to be a violation of the league guidelines.” However, the club said, “Considering that efforts have been made to prevent this, we warn you that if it recurs, there will be measures such as referral to the rewards and punishment committee.”

At the Yi Sun-sin Stadium in Asan, South Chungcheong Province, where the second round of the Hana Bank K-League 2 2024 was held between Asan Chungcheong Province and Bucheon FC on the 9th, election campaigners from four political parties came out and carried out campaign activities ahead of the general election in April.

According to the report submitted by South Chungcheong Province, election campaigners from four political parties campaigned for spectators in front of the entrance gate to the stadium, and the club mobilized security personnel to move election campaigners to the outskirts of the stadium, but only one political party refused to comply and blocked the entrance gate.

Accordingly, the professional league warned the South Chungcheong Asan club and ordered it to prevent a recurrence in accordance with the FIFA Code of Ethics, which stipulates political neutrality, and the K-League competition guidelines.

The Professional Federation did not hand over the matter to the Rewards and Punishments Committee, taking into account the fact that the South Chungcheong Asan club had previously delivered the contents of the Professional Federation’s guidelines to each political party and informed them of the prohibition on election campaigning, and had increased and trained security personnel to prevent election campaigning. No, I just gave a warning.

However, the professional league judged that Chungnam Asan’s decision to play in red instead of the existing blue home uniform on this day “does not constitute grounds for disciplinary action.”

An official from the professional league said, “The red uniform has been approved in advance. Clubs are free to produce it as long as it does not deviate from the regulations. There may be various interpretations for not wearing the home uniform, but there are no regulations for disciplinary action.” He explained.

He added, “As political neutrality is a very important time ahead of the general election on April 10, we asked for special attention to prevent additional controversy in the future.” 고스톱

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