There are still arcades operating in three health care districts – Lapland, Eastern Sabo and North Sabo.

The existing Department of Social Health recommendations will take effect until December 15, 2020. The situation has not changed, so Beikaus continues to close in areas that are currently in the acceleration and spread phase. There are a total of 16 health care zones in the acceleration and proliferation phases involved in the operation of Beikaus. Beikaus does not operate in Holland.

“We continue to follow instructions and act accordingly. Authorities have access to the best expertise available regarding the coronavirus pandemic, and we will of course act in compliance with their instructions,” says Marie Hainaut, SVP, Channel and Sales Officer안전한 카지노사이트

Once the medical zone returns to the default level after December 16, slot machines and beacaus arcades located within the zone (Casino Helsinki, Phil Vegas, Pelamo arcades) can be opened.

“We want to act in a responsible and equal way for both our employees and partners. If the situation improves in the health care area and it is estimated that we have returned from the accelerated or diffuse phase to the baseline phase, we will begin the reopening process there,” explains Mr. Hainaut

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