Ohtani admitted, too. Why did you get an unusual hit and roared

Ohtani started as the first designated hitter in the 2024 Major League against the San Diego Padres at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California, on Monday (Korea time), and posted two hits, two RBIs, one walk, one stolen base, and one strikeout from three times at bat. His batting average for this season rose to 0.303.

Ohtani, who got on base with a walk at his first batter’s box in the bottom of the first inning, advanced to second base due to wild pitching by opposing starter Dylan Siege. He then homered when Teoscar Hernandez hit a timely hit, and became the star of the first run.

In the bottom of the third inning, he struck out on Siz’s 98.9-mile (about 159km) four-seam fastball after a six-pitch game.

Ohtani was not the one who should step down. He was a troubleshooter. With runners on the first and second bases with two outs in the bottom of the fourth inning at 2-2, he hit the slider in the middle to garner an RBI double that hit the right fence. His batting speed was recorded as 116.8 miles (188 kilometers), and if he had been at 14 of the 30 stadiums in the Major League based on statcasting, he could have been a home run.

Ohtani was indeed Ohtani. Taking the batter’s box for the fourth time in the bottom of the sixth inning with runners on the first and second bases at the bottom of the sixth inning when the game was tying 3-3, Ohtani hit a 96.1 mile (154.6 kilometers) fastball on the fifth pitch by Adrian Morehorn, who made a timely hit to center field. Ohtani’s hit turned the game around again. Ohtani then successfully stole second base. It was his 56th stolen base of this season. Ohtani caught up with Ichiro (56 steals) in 2001 and tied the record for the most stolen bases by a major leaguer from an Asian player.

After winning 4-3, the Dodgers secured 94 wins and 64 losses in 158 games to maintain its No. 1 position in the National League West. The Dodgers widened its gap versus second-ranked San Diego to three games again, and its magic number for the district championship was reduced to two. If the Dodgers wins the game on Friday, it will confirm its victory.

It was in the sixth inning that Ohtani’s unusual appearance appeared. He was caught making a timely hit and roaring unexpectedly loudly.토토사이트 순위

“I had a hit in a good situation, so I was a little emotional,” Ohtani said of the scene. “Fans are enthusiastic and the team is full of morale. That was the driving force behind me to focus more on those areas.”

Ohtani has not experienced autumn baseball until last year since his Major League debut in 2018. Therefore, he has a greater desire for the postseason than anyone else.

“I’ve worked so hard to win the championship. I think it would be special if we win at home,” he said, displaying strong commitment to win.

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