손호영이 대한민국 최초의 억만장자가 되었습니다. 롯데는 20일 2025시즌 재계약 대상자 58명과 연봉 계약을 완료했다고 발표했다. 지난해 3월말 LG에서 롯데로 트레이드 된 손호영은 4500만원에서 177.8% 인상된 1억2500만원에 재계약을 했다. 데뷔 첫 억대 연봉이 됐다. 2014년 시카고 컵스와 계약하며 미국에 도전했던 손호영은 마이너리그에서 뛰다가 복귀했다. 2020년 드래프트에 참가했고, 2차 3라운드 23순위로 LG의 […]
FA 계약 선수를 두 명이나 1군 스프링캠프에서 제외했다.
FA 계약 선수를 두 명이나 1군 스프링캠프에서 제외했다. 지난해 야수진 세대 교체에 성공한 프로야구 롯데 자이언츠에 새바람이 분다. 롯데는 2025시즌 스프링캠프 명단을 지난 20일 발표했다. 김태형 감독을 비롯해 코칭스태프 13명과 함께 투수 20명, 포수 5명, 내야수 9명, 외야수 7명으로 총 41명의 선수들이 오는 24일 1차 스프링캠프가 차려진 대만 타이난으로 향한다. 내달 21일까지 1차 […]
“한 회 한 회가 빨리 끝난다고 생각이 들었다.”
삼성 라이온즈는 지난 시즌 마치고 선발진을 확실하게 보강했다. 외국인선수로는 지난해 11승을 한 데니 레예스와 재계약을 했다. 여기에 키움 히어로즈 소속이었던 아리엘 후라도를 영입했다. 키움이 후라도를 보류 선수 명단에서 제외했다는 이야기가 나오자 다소 의외라는 평가가 이어졌다. 후라도는 지난해 30경기에서 10승8패 평균자책점 3.36을 기록했다. 최하위에 머물렀던 성적에 승리는 많지 않았지만, 퀄리티스타트(선발 6이닝 […]
Its Park Hye-jung Wins the Asian Womens Weightlifting Title
Park Hye-jung Wins the Asian Weightlifting Women’s Heavyweight Title… Younhaje also took First Place in the 87kg Class ‘Post Jang Mi-ran’ Park Hye-jeong (20, Goyang City Hall) started the 2024 season on a good note by becoming the Asian Weightlifting Championships champion. Park Hye-jung lifted 128kg in snatch, 165kg in […]
Park Ji-hyun 33 Points, Woori Bank Defeat KB
Park Ji-hyun 33 Points… Women’s Basketball Woori Bank Wins by 22 Points Over KB In women’s professional basketball, Asan Woori Bank stopped Cheongju KB’s 15th consecutive win. Woori Bank won 80-58 in the home game against KB in the Woori Bank Woori WON 2023-2024 Women’s Professional Basketball Regular League held […]
Kylian Mbappe has been accused of sexual assault
Kylian Mbappe (Real Madrid) has been accused of sexual assault. “Mbappe is suspected of raping a woman in a hotel after visiting a nightclub in Stockholm, Sweden, on Oct. 10,” Swedish media outlet SVT reported on Saturday. “The Swedish police have reasonable grounds for suspicion, although no details can be […]
Pedro Foro has been one of the best performers
Pedro Foro (25, Tottenham) has been one of the best performers for the Spanish national team. “Pedro Foro scored an assist, kept a clean sheet and helped his team to victory,” Tottenham Hotspur HQ reported on Saturday. The Spanish national team defeated Serbia 3-0 on Saturday at 3:45 a.m. in […]
Alex Ferguson has ended his contract with Manchester United
Former manager Alex Ferguson (83) has ended his contract with Manchester United, ahead of manager Eric ten Haag (54). “Manchester United co-owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe has terminated former manager Sir Alex Ferguson’s ambassadorial contract with the club,” The Athletic reported on Friday (July 15). Ratcliffe’s decision is part of the […]
Tuchel has take charge of the England soccer team
Former Bayern Munich manager Thomas Tuchel (51) has been tipped to take charge of the England national soccer team. German Sky Sports journalist Florian Plettenberg quoted Harry Kane (31, Bayern Munich) on social media on Friday (June 15) as saying that Tuchel is likely to take over the England national […]
Tottenham are willing to swap cash for Aston Villa prospect
Tottenham are willing to swap cash for the Argentina international midfielder for an Aston Villa prospect. However, it is not certain that the deal will go through. Argentine publication TyC Sport recently reported that Tottenham have made an offer of £19 million in cash and Giovani Lo Celso, 28, to […]