What if an AI-controlled drone protects me or my child?

I warned in this column quite a long time ago that ‘the latest technology rather jeopardizes us’. At that time, it was a technology that completely blocked external sound for listening to music, such as noise canceling earphones/headphones. This time, ‘Drone’ is the main character.

In the 21st century, what is more versatile than drone technology? Thanks to drones, photo/video creators and broadcasters can take wonderful aerial shots without expensive helicopters, explore difficult places to access, quickly find people in distress, and easily deliver necessary supplies.

In rural areas, drones are used to spray pesticides, and drones are popular as children’s toys. Of course, there were predictions that these versatile drones would play a big role in the war, and they were right. However, do you use drones for self-defense? At first glance, the picture is drawn, but it is still questionable whether it will be feasible.토토사이트 순위

Not long ago, there was news like this. “We are studying how to shoot a large amount of X-rays to change the orbit of asteroids or meteorites that are highly likely to collide with the earth.” A brief conversation with an acquaintance.

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