Great Canada And Brookfield Penn Signed 22-Year Deal With OLG For The Great Toronto Area Game Bundle

Ontario Lottery Gaming Corporation (OLG) launched after signing 22-year contracts with Great Canadian Gaming Corporation (“Great Canadian”) and Brookfield Business Partners LP (“Brookfield Business Partners”). The GTA considers the GTA the biggest award in the modern casino category of modern casinos.

OLG yesterday signed a 22-year casino operation and service contract for the gambling facility included in the GTA bundle as a new service provider for the gambling facility included in the GTA bundle, bringing the prospects for modern gambling facilities in the Greater Toronto area a little closer.

The GTA bundle consists of Woodbine’s OLG slot, Ajax Downs’ OLG slot, and Great Blue Heron Casino’s OLG slot. In other words, the two companies manage more than 4,000 slot machines and 60 table games in total. Separately, in fiscal 2017, these facilities generated approximately $1 billion in total gaming revenue. In addition, there are more than 2,200 people working in gambling facilities.

OLG Awards 5th Game Bundle
Last year, OLG (the region’s largest non-tax revenue source) announced that successful applicants to take over the day-to-day operations of gambling facilities included in the GTA bundle were Great Canada and Brookfield. The two companies paid approximately C$170 million during the GTA bundle tender process.T.A. bundle. Great Canada and Brookfield Business Partners each hold a 49% stake in GTA 2 Group, which the company announced plans to update its LPA.

Not long ago, OLG announced its intention to privatize gambling properties to modernize old gambling houses and generate more revenue to support the local economy, with the GTA Gaming Bundle being the fifth batch entrusted by private companies.

Great Canadian is one of the largest gambling operators in the region. The company operates 22 gaming facilities, including the River Rock Casino in Richmond. River Rock, as mentioned above, came under fire last year for allegedly being used to launder dirty cash by criminals. But the company behind the casino threw cold water on all speculation, announcing it was not subject to criminal investigation. Great Canadian Shares 1. After Announcing Private Acquisition Agreement.


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