President of the Korea Tennis Association Chung Hee-kyun’s statement

Statement by Chung Hee-kyun, president of the Korea Tennis Association

The president of the Korean Tennis Association, Chung Hee-kyun, has announced that he will step down as soon as an audit by the Center for Sports Ethics is completed.

Chung Hee-gyun, the president of the Korea Tennis Association, was recently accused of embezzlement after receiving sponsorship money from the association into an account in another name and using it for personal use.

The Sports Ethics Center of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism launched an audit, and Chung announced that he would step down after the audit was completed.

The tennis association also lost a lawsuit over tennis courts at the military academy and is now owed billions of won, 먹튀검증 and it seems that Chung decided to step down after taking responsibility for the whole situation.

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