Marey + Lee Kwan-hee Performed Well

Changwon LG beat Anyang Jeonggwanjang at home and escaped two consecutive losses and two consecutive home losses.

LG won the 2023-2024 professional basketball match at Changwon Gymnasium on Monday, winning 94–75. Taking care of its 17th win (eight losses) this season, the team became the lone No. 2 player, beating over the Seoul SK Wyverns, which did not play on the day. 토토사이트

Asem Maray led the victory with 20 points and 6 rebounds and Lee Kwan-hee with 16 points, including two three-point shots. Yang Hong-seok (9 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists) slowed down, with all six three-point shots failing, but Justin Gutang was active in the second half with 15 points, 4 rebounds, and 7 assists, including three three-point shots.

LG took the lead in the first quarter on the day, but allowed Maray to chase after him after showing some leeway to rest. In the first quarter, LG allowed five points each to Bae Byung-joon and Jeong Hyo-geun, the head of the team, and finished the game 19-16 at the same time. Maray, however, scored 10 points to lead 46-38 in the second quarter, and Yang Hong-seok and Justin Gutang joined the team in scoring in the third quarter to widen the gap to 68-55. In the fourth quarter, the team also managed to maintain a comfortable gap and complete victory.

Chung sought to turn the game around by banking on Robert Carter (24 points and eight rebounds) and Jeong Hyo-geun (10 points and seven rebounds and three assists), but his performance was not enough. He had four consecutive losses and five consecutive away games, marking his 15th loss (10 wins) in this season.

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