Woodbine Ent. Farewell to da Silva’s thoroughbred jockey career

Woodbine Entertainment praises riders as well as individuals heading to the racetrack, as the most recent announcement suggests. December 7 will be the day to celebrate Eurykorosa da Silva, as the famous jockey is about to retire in mid-December. He is one of the most successful riders in Woodbine.

Despite the numerous successes gained throughout his career, everything has to end with a retirement that will go down in history. One of the famous riders at Woodbine Racecourse is set for the final race of the year. Mr. da Silva announced earlier this year that his professional career would end this year at the same time as Dec. 15, when the 2019 purebred season ends.

Woodbine Entertainment has issued an official response next Saturday, making it clear it will be dedicated to one of its most outstanding riders, Mr. da Silva. The 44-year-old rider is known for his extensive experience in the purebred industry and has been identified as the racecourse’s leading rider with five titles.

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This year may win his sixth year, which further consolidates his position. In 2018 alone, it resulted in 237 wins in purebred games. This is a record-breaking achievement because he outperformed Mickey Wals, another famous jockey for Woodbine. In 1991, he made a special year, setting a record of 221 wins in one game. Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the rider is known for his extensive career in Sao Paulo, Brazil, taking him around the world.

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His first step in the horse racing industry took place in his home country, but soon his talent took him to Macau. Since 2004, he has been part of the Woodbine Horse people, celebrating some of his best races. Mr. Dasilva has wrapped the award for best jockey six times in the past. This year was special for Woodbine Entertainment because the 160th Queen’s Plate was held at Woodbine Racecourse.

December 15th, the day of retirement
July 29 was a special day for locals, as One Bad Boy defeated all its rivals on its way to the top and the prize money reached Canadian dollars of one million. This was the first leg of the Canadian Triple Crown, which has three legs that transform every summer in Canada. The Queen’s Plate enjoys a monumental scale of popularity because it is the longest-running live race in North America.

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Da Silva won two titles in the race with the leopard’s eye in 2009 and the big red microphone in 2010, making the second year in a row more than special. Next Saturday, da Silva will take center stage and have a special celebration day ahead. He will be part of a special fan meeting event and autograph session on December 7. All fans will be treated because they will have the opportunity to meet a famous jockey and celebrate the moment with pictures.

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Locals will also have the opportunity to purchase products limited to Mr. Dasilva’s signature catchphrase. They will also have the opportunity to donate to the Longrun Sunjong Retirement Association and continue their racing career at Woodbine Racecourse, with new families supporting horses in need. At 1:05 p.m., the famous jockey will also participate in the winner’s circle event.

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