The National Human Rights Commission said on Saturday that it has detected a total of 867 cases of violations of fair recruitment at 454 public service organizations and referred 68 people involved in recruitment irregularities for investigation or demanded disciplinary action .Jeong Seung-yoon, vice chairman and secretary-general of the commission, announced at a briefing at the Government Complex in Seoul the results of a comprehensive survey on recruitment practices conducted jointly with central administrative agencies such as the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, local governments, and education offices from February to October this year, covering 825 public service-affiliated organizations .Of the total 1,364 organizations, 539 were excluded from this year’s survey by the supervisory agency because no recruitment irregularities had occurred recently, so the survey was conducted on 825 organizations, and problems were detected in 454, more than half of them.

Of the 867 cases of recruitment irregularities detected, 2 were referred for investigation, 42 for disciplinary action, and 823 for caution and warning. A total of 14 victims were identified as a result of the recruitment irregularities. The two cases referred for investigation were “cases that significantly harmed the fairness of personnel, such as intervening in or influencing recruitment in violation of laws and regulations,” the agency said. The organization with the most serious irregularities was Cheonan Citizens Professional Football Club (Cheonan City FC) in Chungnam Province. When the club hired a team manager last year, Mr. A., who was the general secretary of the club, approved and participated in the hiring process, including establishing a hiring plan, holding a personnel committee, and posting a job announcement, and then applied for the job himself and finally passed .As the contractual period of the secretary general’s contract came to an end, Mr. A. tried to continue working as a full-time employee and ‘self-recruited’ as a team manager with a lower salary than the secretary general.

In addition, when a candidate who was close to the president of the club was rejected in the recruitment of a deputy general manager, the president ordered the application process to be reviewed and the scores of some judges to be excluded in order to save the candidate, and he was finally hired. The 42 disciplinary demands were for “gross negligence that could affect the ranking of successful applicants or candidates in the recruitment process .”The cases included failing to properly consult with supervisory agencies and deliberate with personnel committees before formulating recruitment plans, omitting key recruitment information or shortening the timeframe for announcements, violating screening procedures, and incorrectly applying points. Eleven organizations arbitrarily graded documents and interviews, giving unqualified candidates a chance to interview or ultimately pass, and arbitrarily awarded points to certain people. “We will continue to manage the disposition of those involved in recruitment irregularities and the implementation of victim relief measures to ensure that they are properly carried out,” the KFTC said.

According to the Guidelines for Relief of Victims of Recruitment Irregularities, 14 victims will be given a chance to retake the exam, while those who failed will have their jobs canceled .Recruitment fraud itself is down from five years ago. In the last five years, the number of cases disposed of by the full investigation was 1,342 in 2019, 945 in 2020, 811 in 2021, 821 in 2022, and 823 last year. “The Yoon administration is making efforts to eradicate recruitment irregularities by establishing a unified reporting center for recruitment irregularities at the NIS to fulfill its national task of ‘ensuring fair opportunities for young people,'” said Chung. “Although the overall number of recruitment irregularities is decreasing, there are still frequent cases of undermining fairness.” To prevent recruitment irregularities in addition to detecting them after the fact, the KKK conducted a code consultation for public sector organizations and recommended 331 organizations to improve 8,130 items .The KKK will conduct a recruitment-related code consultation for all public sector organizations over a three-year period from this year to 2025. “Through fair recruitment, we must ensure that everyone has the opportunity to compete with their skills with dignity,” said Jeong. “We hope that the results of the survey and consultation will serve as a foundation for eradicating recruitment irregularities 무료슬롯게임 and establishing a fair recruitment culture.”


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