이탈리아에서 열리는 킹스 월드컵에 참가하는 대한민국 대표팀이 확정됐다. 감스트가 감독을 맡고, 올림픽 대표 출신 이범영이 주장 완장을 찬다. 감스트 감독은 다른 월드컵이지만, 2002 한일 월드컵에 이어 4강 신화를 쓰겠다는 목표를 전했다. ‘킹스 월드컵 네이션스 이탈리아 2025’에 참가하는 한국 대표팀은 17일 오후 5시 서울 강남구 대치동에 위치한 프릭업스튜디오에서 대회 출정식 및 […]
Its If we take First Place in the Group Stage, What About Japan?
“If we take first place in the group stage, what about Japan?”… Hangzhou AG matchup unfair manager Bell Possibility of successful Korea-Japan match in quarterfinals… “I don’t understand” The first training of the national team… Start with the physical fitness test “I don’t understand. Are you saying they are going […]
Guus Hiddink, Former Coach of the Korean National Soccer Team
Coach Hiddink, Who Underwent Second Knee Surgery, said, ‘There is no problem with a full golf swing!’ I underwent two knee stem cell surgeries in Korea… Everyone was successful. I met Elizabeth for over 20 years, and we are now celebrating 100 years… “Decision made when COVID-19 was confirmed” Guus […]
Lee Seung-woo Explains ‘Yellow Card for Colliding with Kazuki’
Lee Seung-woo (이승우) explained his yellow card for a tussle with Kazuki. Suwon FC defeated Suwon Samseong 2-0 in the 25th round of the Hana OneQ K League…