Guus Hiddink, Former Coach of the Korean National Soccer Team

Coach Hiddink, Who Underwent Second Knee Surgery, said, ‘There is no problem with a full golf swing!’

I underwent two knee stem cell surgeries in Korea… Everyone was successful.

I met Elizabeth for over 20 years, and we are now celebrating 100 years…

“Decision made when COVID-19 was confirmed”

Guus Hiddink

Guus Hiddink (76), former coach of the Korean national soccer team,

who guided the team to the semifinals of the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup,

is enjoying his daily life in good health a year after receiving his second knee surgery in Korea. 카지노사이트

Looking at the video that Coach Hiddink recently sent to Gangnam JS Hospital Director Song Jun-seop, who performed two knee surgeries, Coach Hiddink appears to have no problem playing tennis as well as golf.

In the video, Coach Hiddink holds a driver and hits a golf ball on a tee with a cool full swing.

Coach Hiddink swung the tennis racket without any problem.

He showed strokes that properly applied power to the racket,

not only on the forehand but also on the backhand.

Coach Guus Hiddink joked about the condition of his knee, saying, “You caught the ball stably with almost no mistakes.

Director Song

Director Song, you won’t be able to compete with me at tennis anymore. So just play golf.”

He then asked Director Song, “Even his sideways steps are very stable.

Can I kick a soccer ball in October?”

Coach Hiddink suffered from symptoms of arthritis in his right knee,

which had been operated on while he was leading Korea in February 2001.

He visited Korea in 2014 and received a successful cord blood stem cell transplant from Director Song, and was active as a soccer coach again.

As time went by, he was able to return to his active role as a soccer coach.

When I felt pain, I visited Korea again in October last year and underwent the same surgery.

This time we have been informed of the passage of one year.

Coach Hiddink also delivered another piece of news that would make Korean fans happy through Director Song.

Elizabeth Pinas

He got married to his long-time lover, Elizabeth Pinas.

Director Song said in a phone call on the 5th, “Director Hiddink married Mr. Pinas. I

heard that he made the decision while suffering from the 2021 novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19).”

Mr. Pinas has been with Coach Hiddink since he led the Korean national team.

At a time when Korean society was more conservative than it is now,

many fans viewed him in an uncomfortable light.

Mr. Pinas, who has now become his wife, remains by Coach Hiddink’s side.

The video sent to Director Song was also filmed by Mr. Pinas.

Mr. Pinas cheered, “Yoo-hoo!” when the golf ball hit by Coach Hiddink went straight out.

Starting with Coach Hiddink, Director Song has performed more than 2,450 cord blood stem cell transplants, the most in Korea.

As Coach Hiddink’s success story spreads, patients from overseas,

including from the Middle East, are also visiting the hospital.

On the 1st, Gangnam JS Hospital signed a business agreement with Cheongdam Harrison Hospital,

which specializes in spinal endoscopic surgery.

Director Song said, “Back pain and knee pain are degenerative diseases that occur very frequently together,” and added,

“The two hospitals have entered into a business agreement to provide more specialized and advanced treatment.”

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