
“We held a reward and punishment committee on the 23rd of last month and selected Kim Hye-sung (24) as the winner of the 2023 KBO Fair Play Award.”

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The Fair Play Award was established in 2001 for players who contributed to improving the KBO league image by becoming a model for others in the KBO regular season with their serious game attitude and decision-making acceptance based on the sports spirit. 토토사이트 Kim Hye-sung is set to receive his […]


MVP is Jung Ji-seok

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Korean Air, a men’s professional volleyball player, won the first place in both the regular league and the championship game, winning the integrated title for the fourth consecutive year. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (2011-2012 season~2013-2014 season), which established the dynasty in the early days of professional volleyball, broke the […]


Namyangju Dream Baseball Team

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The non-profit private organization Korea Public Interest Sports Club (hereinafter referred to as the organization) founded the “Namyangju Dream Baseball Team” consisting of people with developmental disabilities in Namyangju on the 2nd. Among the “good influence” projects underway by the organization, it announced that it will establish and operate a […]


In what seems to be a never-ending saga of sports manipulation in Brazil, more soccer players face accusations of match-fixing.

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The latest list, the result of three ongoing investigations, includes seven more players, as well as some of the people who ran the illegal betting rings. An investigation by the Public Ministry of Goiás (MPGO, for its Portuguese acronym) has identified match-fixing in 13 games in Série A of the […]